Friday, December 06, 2013

OLDBOY (2013) - Review

Oldboy (2013)

Action/Mystery, 2013
1 hour, 45 minutes
Based on the Korean film Oldboy, directed by Chan-wook Park
Screenplay adapted by Mark Protosevich
Directed by Spike Lee
Rated R for "strong brutal violence, disturbing images, some graphic sexuality and nudity, and language"

Josh Brolin
Elizabeth Olsen
Sharlto Copley
Samuel L. Jackson
Michael Imperioli

"I've been thinking about it for twenty years."

Well I don't know what I was expecting.

The original Oldboy, a gritty Korean revenge film, is nothing short of spectacular. I could go on for hours about it. Unfortunately, I'm not here to talk about Chan-wook Park's movie. I'm here to talk about Spike Lee's American remake.

I think I was right about assuming that American audiences weren't ready for an adaptation of Oldboy. For those who have seen the original, you know what I'm talking about, don't pretend you don't. I mean, it's a pretty fucked up movie. Like, really, beyond fucked up. But in a totally awesome and entertaining way. While Lee's adaptation follows closely in it's footsteps, it often missteps and falls flat on its face.

The story is pretty much identical to the original: A man is captured and imprisoned in a hotel room for 20 (15 in the original) years without an explanation. He kind of loses his mind. His only company is a television set. One day he is released from captivity without explanation, and is given some money and a cellphone. He sets out to find who imprisoned him. So he goes and does stuff. I don't want to give anything away.

So, what's wrong with this remake? Lots of shit. The only redeemable quality is Josh Brolin as the lead character. Also, Samuel L. Jackson is in it and he does say "motherfucker" a few times. He's basically Jackson in every Jackson movie ever. So that's fun. But otherwise, it's just all wrong. The writing is really weird. Characters do shit that makes literally no sense at all just to advance the story. There are a few moments that build drama that are then just completely ignored, and the story moves forward. The editing is sloppy. There are a few cuts that just take you from one scene to the next without any kind of tension, it just happens and it's weird and I don't like it. They also re-created the hallway fight scene. I shit you not. If you've seen the Korean version, you know what I'm talking about. I mean, they actually did a decent job, but for the most part, I'm just a little peeved that they had the balls to go through with it. Sharlito Copley's performance is way too overdone to the point where it's just annoying as fuck. Some of the twists are a little different, and not in a good way. Finally, the remake's ending is far too Hollywood for my taste. Korea did it better.

From what I understand, the producers took a few liberties with the cut of the movie, taking out a significant amount of footage that apparently made it better. I doubt it. Although I would certainly like to see this director's cut, I doubt it will even compare to the original.

But seriously, there's no reason for this movie to exist. I can only hope that this will turn people to watch the Korean Oldboy. Because it's really, really good.


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