Sunday, November 09, 2014


See that up there in the title? You know, that exclamation question mark lookin' thing? That's an interrobang. EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Hey there, all you lovely people! How are you? If you answered, "I'm doing good," you should be saying, "I'm doing well," because grammar saves lives.

So as some of you may know, I was hired as the film critic for The Columbia Chronicle. You can imagine how busy I must be with that and school, but at least I am enjoying it. And you can read my reviews in the Arts & Culture section of the paper. If you're looking online, just browse the site for a bit and you'll find them. It seem as though it's in a different spot every week... Check those out EVERY MONDAY!!!

The only drawback is that I don't have time to write on here anymore. Which is a shame, because I do enjoy posting to this poorly named blog (if anyone has any better names, shoot them my way. I'll give you five bucks if it's good).

I just want to let you all know that I am looking forward to getting back to the blog over winter break. There are TONS of amazing movies coming out in the next few months, and once this semester with the paper is over, I will be writing and posting right here, as always.

Okay, what else... It think that's it...?

Yeah. That's it.

If you're still reading this, I assume that you're one of my regular readers, which I know are few in number. But you are the reason that I do this! Go you! You should be proud of yourself! I mean it. Be proud, Goddammit! And tell me if you are a regular reader, because I want to give you hugs.

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