Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The 365 Day Movie Challenge - The Second 100

I'm assuming that the very few of you who read this blog know about my 365 Day Movie Challenge, which needs literally no explanation. So long story short, I just wrapped up watching my 200th movie of the year. After the first 100 milestone, I updated you on the top 5 movies that I watched in those first 100 days. So now that 200 movies have passed, I'm going to update you on the SECOND 100, meaning not the 200 as a whole but going all the way from 101-200. So lets get started with #5.

5. Dead Man 
If you know anything about writer/director Jim Jarmusch, you know he's a weird guy. He's one of the few filmmakers that makes artsy movies that I actually enjoy, mostly because they're very coherent. Dead Man didn't really stun me at first, but once it picked up steam, I fell in love with it. Not to mention, it has one of the most beautiful endings in any movie I've ever seen.

4. Before Midnight
I enjoyed both Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, when the relationship between the two characters was at an early stage, but Before Midnight blew them both completely out of the water. In particular, the final scene (which is like 30 minutes or something like that) is so incredibly well written that you'd think that it was all happening in real life right in front of your eyes.

3. Paper Moon
I don't really have a lot to say about Paper Moon. It's funny, heartwarming, and tense. It's well written and well shot. Tatum O'Neal is the youngest person in history to win an Oscar for her supporting role in the film, and shit does she nail it! If you like, well, any kind of movies, I highly recommend it. It's not like there's any single thing that really sold it for me, this movie is just the whole package.

2. Night on Earth
I went into Night On Earth completely blind other than reading the back of the box. It quickly became one of my favorites. Long story short, it's about five different cab rides in five different parts of the world, all taking place on the same night. The film takes the viewer to New York, LA, Helsinki, Rome, and Paris. The screenplay was written in 8 days by Jim Jarmusch, and each scene is incredibly well written. The conversation is spectacular and engaging. Personally, I enjoyed the New York segment the most, starring a very young Giancarlo Esposito (yes, that is Gus from Breaking Bad) and he's fucking fantastic.

1. Mud
The third film by writer/director Jeff Nichols, Mud is easily one of the most incredible coming-of-age stories I've ever witnessed. It probably isn't as insane as the trailer makes it out to be, but that being said, this is a movie that should absolutely not be missed for any reason. Sure, it's a wee bit long, but it plays out like some kind of great American novel. It's currently my #1 movie of 2013. Last time I checked it's playing at the Wilmette Theater. Do yourself a favor and go see it.

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