Monday, November 04, 2013


Ender's Game

Sci-fi Action/Adventure - 2013
1 hour 54 minutes
Adapted and Directed by Gavin Hood
Based on the book Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Rated PG-13 for "some violence, sci-fi action and thematic material"

Asa Butterfield
Harrison Ford
Hailee Steinfeld
Ben Kingsley
Viola Davis
Abigail Breslin
Moises Arias
Aramis Knight
Nonso Anozie

"You'll be the finest commander we've ever trained."

I've never read Ender's Game, so I went into this movie completely blind as to what the hell was going on. All I really knew about it was that there's an impending alien invasion, a kid, and Han Solo going by some weird alias. I really had no idea what to expect, and based on the trailers, I still didn't know jack shit.
Turns out, Ender's Game was pretty badass. The special effects were awesome, the visuals overall were great, and the acting was surprisingly good for a big blockbuster action flick. Especially since it's mostly carried by kids. And Han Solo. There are plenty of interesting twists and turns abound, and they really don't stop coming at you until the credits roll. You're constantly kept on your toes.
Usually, big budget blockbusters have plenty of decent performances, but nothing groundbreaking. Ender's Game is quite the opposite. Asa Butterfield (of Hugo fame) and Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit) do an excellent job as kid geniuses doing space stuff. Butterfield really carries most of the movie, except when Han Solo is onscreen. Solo has aged a bit, obviously, but his acting chops certainly haven't.
My only real complaint about the movie is this one subplot that doesn't seem to quite hit its emotional mark that it's trying so hard to make. I don't want to go into exactly what it is, but from what I understand, it's an important subplot in the book. This apparent subplot is important for the characters and their motivations, but the movie doesn't have it... so this character's presence falls flat and feels unimportant to the story as a whole. In addition to this, there were a couple of emotional beats that didn't quite connect fully with the story. I wouldn't blame this on the actors, but more on the writing and construction of these scenes. I can't really discuss them without giving too much away, but what can I say?
Overall, Ender's Game will either be good or bad, depending on whether you like the books or not. I've heard mixed things on it, but I certainly enjoyed it. If you like high-concept science fiction, Ender's Game is not to be missed... especially after flops like Man of Steel  and Elysium, we could use some good blockbusters this year. Ender's Game definitely delivers.


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