Thursday, January 10, 2013

Oscar 2012 Pre-Predictions

So this happens every fucking year and shit always gets hella snubbed. So shut up unless its about Looper. I fucking love that movie.
However I won't be able to make proper judgements yet, for I still a few movies to see.
So AFTER I see Amour, The Impossible, and The Sessions and a few others I'll post some predictions.

But here's what I can say about the Oscars for sure.

  • Daniel Day-Lewis. 
  • Daniel Day-Lewis
  • Daniel Day-Lewis
  • Stop complaining about The Dark Knight Rises. I would've expected it to get some technical stuff, but big budget movies never get nominated past that. It isn't really much of a surprise. 
  • No nom for DiCaprio in Django? Really? At least it got Original Screenplay and Picture and a nom for Christoph Waltz
  • Amour has already won Best Foreign Language film considering it has a pretty fair amount of nominations including Best Picture.
  • My money is on Argo or Silver Linings Playbook for Adapted Screenplay.
  • If Flight gets Original Screenplay over Django, Moonrise Kingdom, or Zero Dark Thirty, then I call shenanigans.
  • Fuck the Academy for hella snubbing Looper, you wouldn't know an original movie if it came up and introduced itself to you and shook your hand. Then punched you in the face because that's what the Academy deserves.

Okay. So for now that's what I think. I'll post back when I've seen more of the nominated movies. 


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