Saturday, March 02, 2013

TOTAL RECALL (2012) - Review

Total Recall (2012)

Sci-Fi/Action, 2012
1 hour 58 minutes
Written by Kurt Wimmer and Mark Bomback
Directed by Len Wiseman

Colin Farrell
Kate Beckinsale
Jessica Biel
Bryan Cranston

I know you're all thinking that this movie came out in early April, so why review it now? Because it's kind of recent and I was bored last night and I used a redbox code so I got to watch it for free and sometimes I like writing reviews on movies that I don't like.
The original Total Recall is pretty cool. It's a typical cheesy action flick that comes from that era of late 80s early 90s action flicks, but it was pretty good. So what does the remake bring to the table?
For one, it's a fucking gorgeous movie. The digital sets and computer effects are very pretty, especially the cityscapes which is something I want on the background of my computer. It's just that beautiful. The fight scenes are somewhat good, and the action, once it starts, doesn't really stop, which doesn't really hurt it.
Total Recall also has a pretty decent set up, and although they don't go to Mars unlike the original, it's set up actually helps with the more political oriented plot that the first one didn't have.
Unfortunately, everything else is pretty weak. The script is full of cliches, the characters are empty, and the performances are pretty static. With the exception of Colin Farrell and maybe Bryan Cranston, nobody is particularly strong in their acting. I'm not expecting any standouts in a modern day science fiction action remake, but they could've at least put a bit more effort into it. Especially Kate Beckinsale. She was just awful.
So aside from the insanely beautiful visuals, the script and characters are just so bland that it isn't really worth checking out. However, if you are in the mood for a cool modern day sci-fi action flick and you don't really care about the plot or anything, then you might get a kick out of this. What can I say, it's at least somewhat entertaining as a mindless action movie, and isn't entertainment value all that matters?
Okay, but it's still not a good movie.


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