Saturday, November 10, 2012

LINCOLN - Review


Biographical Drama, 2012

Directed by Steven Spielberg

Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln
Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln
Tommy Lee Jones as Thaddeus Stevens
David Strathairn as William Seward
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Robert Todd Lincoln

Steven Spielberg sure has a knack for historical dramas. Schindler's List, Munich, and Saving Private Ryan are all incredible snapshots of the times in which they take place. Lincoln, Spielberg's latest, is yet another great film from the acclaimed director.
Lincoln takes place during the months before the President's  assassination in April of 1865. Honest Abe must deal with the task of ending the Civil war, as well as attempting to pass the 13th Amendment through the House of Representatives, which proves to be no easy task. Truthfully, I don't know too much about Lincoln, so this film was a bit of a history lesson for me, aside from the 13th Amendment and that he was assassinated (sorry to spoil the ending for you.)
The acting is top notch, with a perfect performance (once again) by Daniel Day-Lewis. Watching every moment of his on screen is a pure joy. Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones, and David Strathairn make up for an exciting supporting cast and their chemistry is great.
While the film starts out very strong, the second half isn't necessarily weak, but it tends to drag in some spots. And with a 150 minute (2 hours, 30 minutes) runtime, it can really drag on. And when it drags, it can be boring. However, one of the highlights of the film comes at the end of the film, as the House of Representatives votes in the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery. I was on the edge of my seat, even though I knew it was going to happen.
Unfortunately, the death of the President is poorly handled. It's very anticlimactic, and while it doesn't bring the film down at all, it could have been much more interesting to watch.
Lincoln is an exceptional film, with Oscar worthy performances. It's surprisingly educational, and very entertaining.

Memorable Quote - 
Abraham Lincoln: "This settles the fate for all coming time. Not only the millions now in bondage, but of unborn millions to come."

On the Upside - Strong performances by all. A damn good history lesson as well.

On the Downside - It's very long, and it definitely drags a bit in the middle. Lincoln's death is poorly handled.

Long Story Short - A great historical drama, but it isn't for all audiences.

Score: 8.5/10

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