Tuesday, November 27, 2012

SPACE JAM - Review

So it has come to my attention that most of my reviews have been pretty positive and I haven't really ripped into many bad movies. I've been doing this for only a couple of weeks now, and most movies I've seen in theaters have been pretty good. I haven't watched too many bad movies lately. So we'll get to those.
And as much as I love ripping into bad movies, I like to recommend movies to people, not turn people away from them. I wouldn't write a review about Magnolia because I felt like it, I wrote it because I think it's one of the best movies ever made, and it has had an incredible impact on me. So of course I'm going to write about it. There are movies that I don't like, but they aren't as fun to write about as a movie that I really enjoy.
I'll get to the bad stuff eventually. Maybe I'll endure a Twilight marathon just for you guys.
Except not really, I might actually die from that.
Anyway, enjoy my review of Space Jam. 


Space Jam

Comedy/Sports, 1996

Directed by Joe Pytka

Michael Jordan
Bugs Bunny
Daffy Duck
Lola Bunny
Bill Murray as Himself
Wayne Knight as Stan
Danny DeVito as Mr. Swackhammer

Ah, Space Jam. One of the three defining movies of my childhood alongside Toy Story and The Lion King. Up until recently, I hadn't seen Space Jam in years, since I was a kid. But, like most childhood movies that you watch over and over again, you never really forget it. Childhood movies burn themselves into your head and never leave. Hell, I can recite the entire opening of Toy Story from heart.
So the question remains: does Space Jam hold up after watching it as an adult? Somewhat. As much fun as it was to see Bugs and Daffy playing basketball with Michael Jordan, the movie isn't as great as I thought it was. BUT this is just looking at is from the perspective of someone who watches movies constantly, so my opinion might be different from others. Michael Jordan isn't a good actor, but he isn't exactly awful either. The voice work is great, then again, it's fuckin' Loony Tunes, are you expecting anything else? Danny DeVito is great as the villain Mr. Swackhammer, and the Monstars are fun to watch as well.
Some of the jokes aren't that funny, but for the most part it still manages to keep its wonderful animated charm. I have to say, there are plenty of great little details and things that I didn't notice before. Then again, that happens when you watch kids movies as an adult. Hell, I caught a little Pulp Fiction reference that I remembered, but didn't pick up on as a kid.
Looking back, the premise is kind of stupid. But overall, I'd say while Space Jam hasn't held up as well as I would've hoped, it's still a fun movie, but only if you watched it as a kid.
Who the fuck am I kidding, I love this movie. It isn't perfect, but I'd watch Space Jam any day of the week.

Score - 7.5/10

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